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What is Autism?

Autism is a lifelong developmental condition that affects, among other things, the way an individual relates to his or her environment and their interaction with other people. The word ‘spectrum’ describes the range of difficulties that people on the autism spectrum may experience and the degree to which they may be affected.

Some people may be able to live relatively normal lives, while others may have accompanying learning challenges and require continued specialist support. The main areas of difficulty are in social communication, social interaction and restricted or repetitive behaviours and interests.

An estimated 1 in every 70 people in Australia is on the autism spectrum. Autism affects almost four times more boys than girls.

*Source: Aspect Research

The new estimated prevalence rate for Australia is based on the most recent autism prevalence studies from the US (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)), Canada (Public Health Agency of Canada) and Australia (May T, Sciberras E, Brignell A, Williams K et al…, 2016)

About Autism Spectrum Australia

Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) is Australia’s largest service provider for people on the autism spectrum. Their specialised, evidence informed schools program is one of the largest in the world, with additional services that include information and advice, diagnostic assessments, behaviour support, parent and family support, and adult programs. They share evidence-informed Aspect practice and applied research nationwide.

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© 2019 Irene Arvanitis

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